Khadija's story

How long have you been coming to Xenia?

I think I started coming last year.


Why did you start coming to Xenia? Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

I had some problems with depression, so my GP sent me to talk to someone from Family Action. The key worker at Family action  found different activities for me to do, and told me to come to Xenia so I could meet some new people. I was quite nervous when I first came but everyone was so friendly. I loved the way you welcomed me to the group, and I still really enjoy coming.

What are the main challenges in your life?

I’m a very emotional person, sometimes when I go out I worry that people are looking at me suspiciously, or have bad feelings about me. I wasn’t always like that. But now I enjoy going out, meeting different people. Sometimes I still get a low mood, thinking about what has happened to me in my life. I take medicine for depression and I also take medicine for some health problems I have. But medicine can’t do everything, you have to help yourself as well. You have to get out, meet new people and find out what is right for you.

Why is Xenia important to you?

Because the first time I joined, I felt like I had joined a family. Every week I go, sometimes I share my problems, sometimes I just talk. It makes me feel happy. It makes my life better, I know I have something to do every week. I look forward to every Saturday! I always know that I will have a better weekend after I go to Xenia, and I am very happy that we have continued on Zoom during lockdown. I also know that I can call Xenia if I have a problem and someone will try to help me. Coming to Xenia helps me to stop thinking about my problems too much. If you think too much about your problems, they will get on top of you. 

Has anything changed in your life since coming to Xenia?

Of course. I feel more confident to enjoy my life. I never used to do things for myself, I always did things for my family. Xenia has given me the confidence to put myself first, so I can take better care of my family because I feel better in myself. For example, I never used to buy things for myself, but now I buy things just for myself and do nice things. 

I care less about what people say about me, and I feel like I know what is right, what is wrong. Thank you so much for all of you for everything that you do. I have really seen myself get better, I don’t care so much about what other people think. I know the difference between right and wrong and the way I want to live my life. Some people think you have to spend your whole life only thinking about your family and not yourself. But I know that I can put yourself first and take care of your family too. 


Virtual Xenia: Veronica's Story


Virtual Xenia: Outreach